Monday, October 11, 2010


Blogcation is new made-up word (I kinda make up words all the time...try it out sometime! It's great when people think you're stupid, and want to hit you upside the head with a dictionary, but you know they're the real idiot because they aren't up to date with the trendiest newly created verbiage in your vocabulary). It means a blog vacation (I know, it really took a brainiac to figure that one out). Lord knows, someone already made it up already and I'm just the last to know (like always), because did you know that bloggiversary is a word now? I didn't. I suppose that could count as something I learned today (that whole 'you learn something new every day' business). Not entirely sure a made up word counts though...

Blogcation describes my lack of blogging for the past, oh I don't know, nearing 2 months now. You'd think that I have all these great, fantabulous blog ideas that would knock your socks off cross-country....but no, I'm afraid that's not the case. This is all I have, a made up word. To describe the lack of imagination and creativity.

I'm just uber tired lately. So, fear not my 4 followers, I will soon NOT be tired so much and will have great ideas (hmmm, well, that's assuming they were ever great in the first place). I'm going to go nap now (yes, at my desk)....